(Skripsi) Pengaruh Disiplin dan Motivasi Belajar terhadap prestasi belajar siswa kelas XI di M.A. Ghozaliyah Jogoroto Jombang

Hamza Kusuma, Wakhid. Of 2012. Influence of Discipline and Motivation Student Achievement Against Class XI MA Ghozaliyah Jogoroto Jombang Year 2011/2012. Advisir: Drs.Willy Sugiarto M.M.

Keywords: discipline, motivation learning, student achievement.

 In an educational institution, school performance is an important indicator to measure the success of the learning process. But It can’t be denied that the level of student achievement is influenced by many other factors besides the teaching process itself. Learning achievement is not only influenced by motivation, but also influenced by the discipline. Motivation is the efforts that encourage someone to do something or the driving force of the subjects to perform an act in a goal. This study aims to determine the presence or absence of discipline and motivation to study the influence of class XI student achievement in MA Ghozaliyah Jogoroto Jombang school year 2011/2012. The population in this study were all students in grade XI MA Ghozaliyah Jogoroto Jombang totaling 76 students from two classes. This study uses the Population sampling due to a population of less than 100.
The test results by using the SPSS program is known, the overall impact or unison of Discipline variable (X1) and motivation to learn (X2) for Student Achievement (Y) we can see the value of R squared of 0.834 this implies that all variables Discipline (X1) and motivation to learn (X2) together to affect change in Student Achievement (Y) of 83.4% while the rest is influenced by other variables that do not exist in the model.
Given the importance of discipline and motivation of students with learning achievements of students, parents and teachers where possible improve discipline in the classroom and the discipline of keeping a schedule and can motivate children to learn at home and at school. For further research, the results of this study can be used as a reference in particular to study the relation with students' motivation and discipline.

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